We are recruiting healthy VMT donors!

Interested in becoming a donor?

* Viable donors receive free vaginal microbiome testing and free STI panel.

If you are a woman who meets the following criteria, please reach out.

  • no history of BV

  • not on hormonal birth control

  • no antibiotic use in past 3 months

  • pre-menopausal

  • willing to abstain from sex for 10 days prior to vaginal fluid collection


  1. Complete screening questionnaire

  2. Receive & complete vaginal microbiome & STI test

  3. If results meet our standards for healthy VMT donors, you will receive a menstrual cup for vaginal fluid collection

  4. Wear the cup to bed. In the morning, remove it, immediately placing it in the vial per the directions in the box to be returned to VMT Bio-Bank and stored in at − 80 °C for testing and long-term viability

Example of a healthy donor’s microbiome

  • >80% Lactobacillus spp.

  • <5% dysbiosis-related spp.

You could change another woman’s health.