Revolutionizing vaginal health

Providing vaginal microbiota transplants to address vaginal dysbiosis

Our Mission

We are on a mission to revolutionize vaginal health and empower women’s healthcare by providing direct-to-consumer, at-home vaginal microbiota transplants from healthy, metagenomically-tested, L. crispatus-dominant donors. We will serve as the first VMT bio-bank.

Together, we can lower the rates of pre-term births, infertility, STIs, vulvodynia, recurrent UTIs, yeast infections, aerobic vaginitis, and bacterial vaginosis.

What do bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis, recurrent UTIs, and chronic yeast infections all have in common?

Vaginal dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis = imbalanced microbiome

It is time to address the root cause.

When the community of microbes in the vagina gets out of balance, this is called dysbiosis. It can present as a variety of conditions, like bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis, yeast infections, and UTIs. These conditions can have similar symptoms (itchiness, unusual odor, abnormal discharge), or vaginal dysbiosis can even sometimes present asymptomatically. As a result, these forms of microbial imbalance are frequently misdiagnosed and confused with one another. The most commonly prescribed treatments are antibiotics or antifungals, which can further damage the already-imbalanced vaginal microbiome (not to mention contribute to antibiotic and antifungal resistance). This often either leads to high rates of recurrence of the same form of dysbiosis or leaves the vagina vulnerable to a different form of dysbiosis (i.e. take antibiotics for BV and get a yeast infection).

Instead, vaginal microbiota transplants (VMTs) can address the underlying microbial imbalance, the root cause of these dysbiotic conditions. VMTs transfer beneficial organisms from a healthy donor’s vagina to a recipient’s vagina via vaginal fluid in an at-home, single-use applicator. This promotes the growth of healthy microbes and suppresses the growth of pathogenic microbes. VMTs aim to support the microbiome, rather than further damage it. Even asymptomatic women benefit from this type of microbiota support.

Uncover the groundbreaking research supporting VMTs, and help us on our mission to advance vaginal health and empower women’s healthcare.

Why care about vaginal dysbiosis?

associated with

  • pre-term births

  • increased risk of STIs

  • infertility

  • gynecological cancers

  • inflammation (vaginitis)

  • pain (vulvodynia)

  • abnormal discharge

  • unusual odors

1 in 3 women experience BV.

It recurs >50% of the time with current treatments.

75% of women experience at least one yeast infection.

Discover the Science Behind VMTs

Curious about the research supporting vaginal microbiota transplants?

Want to learn how just one applicator’s worth of vaginal fluid from a healthy vagina can transform an imbalanced vagina?

Take your vaginal health into your own hands.

Please reach out to learn more, to become a donor, or to get on the waiting list to receive a VMT.